Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mid-week Legislative Update: Taiwan and Sarah Palin

Hello all.

I just couldn't save these two notes for the end of the week.
1. Yesterday and today I've been wearing my glasses, sometimes on top of my head and sometimes using them to better see the projected presentations. The first time Dave saw me wearing them he asked me if they were new, if I always wore glasses or if I usually wore contacts, and then commented that it was a "Sarah Palin look." Oh geez. I guess I can't wear them anymore.
2. Check out if you get a chance SJR2. I had to read the bill once I saw the title: "Joint Resolution on Taiwan." That's right, Taiwan. What could Utah have to say about Taiwan? Here is the general description from the bill: "This joint resolution of the Legislature urges the Obama Administration to take a specific action to support Taiwan's meanginful participation in the United Nations and to support sales of F-16 C/D series fighter jets to Taiwan." Thank you, Utah.



  1. I am so glad that you shared these insights today. With so much to do and so little time I am glad that Utah is focusing on Taiwan!

    1. Taiwan - genius! And you do not look like Sarah Palin - unless everyone who wear glasses looks like Sarah.

      I love your insights!

  2. If wearing glasses makes you Sarah Palinesque, I guess I'm going to make probably the biggest change of my life... I'm switching to contacts! :-P
    Good thing that's not true!
    Also... I'm glad that the Utah legislature is spending time on SJR2... is a company lobbying them to do that to sell fighter jets? Oh, Utah.
    In other news, read about prop 8! WOOT WOOT!
