Saturday, August 27, 2011

The LIneup

Hello all!
I have just finished my first week of college and it was fantastic. During the week a few changes ocurred to my schedule to make it better than ever, but here is the final schedule:

U.S. National Government (taught by Dan Jones)
Western Civilization to 1300
Intellectual Traditions
Documentary Filmaking Thinktank
Honors Scholars Group
Political Forum Series

The Political Forum Series is the latest edition so you may not have all heard about it. The Hinckley Institute hosts 33 political speakers throughout the semester. I have to go to 10 of them and write a 3 page summary and analysis of 7 of them. The class will help with my writing skills and give me more opportunities with internships.

The upcoming forums are:
Aug 30th 10:45 - Matheson
Sept 6th 10:45 - Sam Gill (Salt Lake County District Attorney)
Sept 13th 12:15 - Bennet, Becker, and Senator Morgan
Sept 20th 2:00 - Salt Lake City Council

Let me know if you want to know what the forum is about or if you want to attend!

Odds and Ends: This morning I went running for the second time on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. It has beautiful views of the entire Salt Lake Valley. It even winds into the This is the Place Heritage Park so it provides a charming view of the pioneer houses.

Last night my roomate, Lindsay, and another girl on the floor and I went down to Crimson Nights. They are huge university parties. We went and saw everything that there was to do but after playing a few carnival games we quickly decided to come back and instead watch the movie Sydney White. Which is our favorite replacement to participating in Greek Life.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on a great first week of school! You are going to learn so much and get so many great opportunities! I love reading your blog to get updates on everything.
